
The Ladder of Life

I believe life must always be forward looking. But as we look back in our past, there are things to gain as well.

There were once a couple who lived on the 80th floor of a building. They went camping one day and came back only to realize that the building is having an electric shortage and the lifts are not working. Although they are carrying a huge backpack, they are sweating all over and needed a shower so they decided that they will take the stair back home.

As they climbed the flight of stairs to the 20th floor, the husband told the wife. “Honey, I can’t take this anymore, it’s too tiring. Why don’t we leave our backpacks at the 20th floor and when the electricity come back, we can take to elevator back down here to retrieve our back pack!”. The wife replied: “You are so smart dear! Let’s do that”. And so, without that excess baggage, they climbed happily up the stairs again.

However, as they reach the 40th floor, they legs began to sore and grew tired. They are only half way there and there were 40 floors of stairs yet to go. They started arguing and blaming each other why didn’t they notice the memo about that electric shortage or blackout. They blamed each other for putting them through so much trouble.

They argued as they climb and they finally reach the 60th level. At that point, they were exhausted and didn’t even have the energy to argue anymore. They husband then state: “Let’s not argue or quarrel anymore. Why don’t we climb the rest of the stairs in peace and quiet?” The wife agreed and so they continue walking.

At long last, they reached the 80th floor. The wife then said: “Please quickly open the door, I’m exhausted!” The husband then said: “I thought the key was with you!?” Then they realized that they have left the key in the backpack on the 20th floor!

Some people say this story is liken to one’s life journey. From our birth to the age of 20, we are always living under the expectation of our parents and teachers, just like carrying the weights of a big backpack. After 20 years old, we will be able to let go of this baggage of responsibility and live with much freedom and happiness for the next 20 years. At 40, we then realize we have so much regrets and resentments. Our lives become unhappy or dissatisfied, and we start to blame the company we are working at, the government, everyone. At 60, we do not have much time left to live. We will then tell ourselves that we should just treasure what we have and live the remaining of our life at peace. At 80, it's the end of our life’s journey. As we look back at our lives, only did we realize that our dreams and passion were left behind at the age of 20, and were never achieved, just like those keys.

I will not follow the footsteps of this couple climbing the stairs. I will never let go of my dreams and ensure a life of no regrets. What about you?

It was just yesterday, that I turned 23. Merely on my verge of leaving the academic baggage, I have to embrace this new found freedom of employment. My dreams are clear to me as before, but its path now blurred by uncertainty and diffident. It is sad that the mere possibility of employment that I once despise is exciting me at this level. My standards is really going low huh?

Lost as I may, the will and believe remains that I, will take whatever means necessary, to get there. That is my birthday promise!

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