
The End is Near?

The End is near.

So the Mayans, and various other sources said.

In the latest movie, 2012, it depicts the ancient lore that the world will come to an end in the neat future - 2012. As with the many other disaster-type movies, it shows how a particular family going into great lengths to escape the world's destruction. Sound familiar? Somehow, i feel our main character here matches very similarly with that from the movie 'World of the Worlds'.

Trivial stuff asides, this movie have a rather expected plot just like any end-of-the-world movie. However, its plus side was it's numerous and continues lame jokes used along in the film which at first is a little annoying but after sometime, really, rather amusing. The added humor along the film gave a fresh view for this disaster movie as it make it not as gloomy and sad as the other.

And just as those typical of its type, the plenty of 'emo' scenes along the way! I found the whole story constructed rather ingeniously, by slip-slotting the humor scenes and the touching ones to create this great movie. In the 'emo' parts, it depicts the human, even at the very end of their time can be selfless and great. The also shows great family bonding and at the very core of human heart, no matter how selfish one can be, they are still willing to sacrifice for their family members. Bravo to that! The show also presents the moral values of humanitarianism, and the dilemma of the equality of all life.

Overall, its a worthy watch in the cinema along with its superb graphics. What i like about the movie is that it brings about a light, brightness and hope even for a disaster movie. Although it tells of the end is near, it does not rush you, it does not give you this sense of urgency to accomplish things. In fact, all it does it teach you to treasure what you already have, and live without regrets for when the inevitable end comes, all is but nothing.

If the end is really coming at 2012, what would you do? Would spend you days from now on trying to make history? Would you put your name in the records so that everyone remembers something great you did? Would you crumble and cries in despair? Or would you drops everything you are doing and wander around the world doing the thing you want most?

My answer is none of the above. We should live life just as it is. No more no less, and let nature take its course. If you were to live differently knowing the end is near means that you have not been living to your full.

To be granted a wish and wish for nothing is true living.

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