
Enter the Dragon

The Dragon awakens! As a mythical creature of unmatched power, many believe this year brings great promises. If you are a traditional Chinese believer, this is not a good year for me as I too was born in the year of the Dragon. I for one believe no such thing.

To me, using years, date, numbers or certain astrological signs that can somehow predict your personality, and have your whole life written before you as though you are but a voodoo doll in fate’s hand is nothing more than mere hokum. They are but self-fulfilling prophecies for the weak minded looking for an excuse. If you believe it, they are true. Because you act upon it believing its true and selective attention attribute every event to reinforce such prophecy. That is how the human mind works.

However, I do believe the year of the dragon will bring significant changes to my life. Whether coincidental or I have fallen victim to my own mind’s attribution, only time could tell. For in 1988, year of the dragon, I took my first breath of life, and look upon the world with my uncorrupted mind. In 2000, year of the dragon, I nearly step over to the other world. Death welcomed me with open arms but when I open my eyes again, I was reborn. Alive again with a fresh perspective, with a flame in my heart, and I was never the same again. 2012, year of the dragon, what entails in this year of change? Entering the workplace? Entering into a relationship? Or will I find a new flame and the will spark a new dream for me?

I can only hope for an experience as confounding and enlightening as before but just a little less dangerous, for who knows if I would wake up again, huh? =p