
The Law of Equivalent Trade?

"To gain something, one have to sacrifice something of equal value."

It was an interesting concept introduced in an anime i watched - Full Metal Alchemist. Its a concept i think exist in this real world too. Just like in our lives, there are happiness, sorrows, tears and smiles, and they all come at a cost. Like the Bible mentioned " Thou shall reap why thy sou" would imply the same thing.

Just like getting what we want in life, we always have to pay for it, either by hard work, by time or whatever means necessary. There is always a cost. Even in business world, it is engraved that 'there is no free lunch'. Nothing in this world is therefore unachievable. It just comes at a cost, the only question left is, are you willing to pay the cost? Do you have what it takes to do the equivalent trade?

No pain no gain. No sacrifice, no victory. Life is as such, though i would rather wish not .


On an unrelated note, lets have a little update on life for me so far.

Sydney's been great. No so different from KL, just cleaner, more civilized and better! Looking back from the day i just came, its been about 5 months now. I couldn't really say i live in sydney exactly as i'm staying more of a dorm-student life thus far. The experience have been, well, pleasant. Not exceptionally good, but well, not too bad either. It does take sometime to get used to. The fact that you are far away from home, all alone in an unknown place, with no close friends, it really does teach you how to be independent. You have to do your own chores, make your own decision, entertain yourself (yes, you have to) and practically live your own life. Easier said than done!

The come studies. Well, studying a course that half the people go wow and the other half goes "what the hell is that" is not as glamorous as it seems. Difficult is expected but way beyond my radar. But given time, i got used to it. Its like pulling a rubber band, if you stretch it long enough, it will eventually become that loose. So this semester is more like a stretching for myself and my mind, hopefully, no so much of a surprise next year, and i will be able to cope better. I just had my finals some 3 weeks ago. Probably expected it to be extremely hard and therefore it turn out ok. But result will be out it a weeks time. It will probably determine where i go form now on, stay or change? It no longer up to me now.

After that, i went to Melbourne for the holidays. Just got back 2 days ago. Well, seeing old friends, having good food, enjoying nice companies, and taking good laughs really bring back memories of those good times. I must admit i miss them much. It was really enjoyable, and i would like to take this opportunity to thank those who made it so for me. =p
But i do wonder if i made the right decision going there though. For after i came back, the nostalgic and home-sickly feeling i took awhile to shake off when i first came to Sydney is now back again. I thought i was more independent, and a loner and staying in a foregin place will not be much of a big change to me. But i was wrong! Maybe, the one year in Melbourne changed me, made me enjoyed being with friends all the time. And just when i'm having fun, they rip it off, and throw me back to reality.

Here i am, trying to call Sydney my new home, but then again, without friends and family, can you really call a place home. I wonder...

Hopefully things will change, when the time comes. So that all that is left, is not memories, but a new adventure.

Gloomy Sydney

Sorry for the gloomy end of this post thought. Since im back in Sydney, life is not treating me very well. Took the wrong bus, been raining forever since i got back, gloomy sky, quiet dorm, and lost my blender all in this 2 days is not really something to be happy about. =(

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